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"America's Oldest Active Gun Club"

We are accepting applications for new membership.

HomeBoard of Directors

Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors meeting is the first Sunday of each month starting at 11:00 AM. The meeting is open to all members. Stop by and attend the meeting. The meeting happen each month September through June. 

Dates may change if a holiday falls on that weekend. And, the Annual banquet is the first Tuesday in October, so the Board of Directors meeting is the following Wednesday evening.


Association Officers

President Bob Collins

1st Vice President Ed LeFave

2nd Vice President Brian Conners

Secretary Victor Fonseca

Treasurer Aaron Bell

Executive Officer Jerry Wigon

Association Directors


  • John Chalmers
  • Mike DuBois
  • John Ferrone
  • Mike Haran
  • Carl Kriger
  • Louis Matnog
  • Alan Norris
  • Travis Price
  • David Shaeffner
  • Jack Tashjian
  • Harvey Weintrob