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"America's Oldest Active Gun Club"

We are accepting applications for new membership.


Massachusetts Rifle Association, Basic Firearms Safety Class

This class fulfills the Safety requirement for the Massachusetts LTC (License To Carry). This is the Massachusetts State Police certified Firearms Safety Course (LTC-007) with range time.


The class is broken into 3 segments and is suitable for both beginners and those with experience who require certification to obtain their firearms license. The first two segments occur on the same day. The morning session is class room time covering the basics of firearms manipulation, ownership, handling, ammunition, cleaning and shooting handguns. The afternoon session is the range portion where, under a structured safe learning environment, the student shoots .22 caliber and .357 caliber revolvers and a 9 mm pistol at various targets applying the lessons learned in the classroom to a range environment. The third session is the law night. Generally held on the Monday evening after the basic course, this portion covers the basic Massachusetts firearms laws covering the ownership, storage, purchasing, possession, transportation and use of firearms.


The classroom/range sessions are held on the third Saturday of each month (September thru June) and start promptly at 8:00 a.m. The Law Night sessions are held on a weeknight following the class from 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.



The cost is $150.00 for non-members. $50 can be applied to a membership to the MRA if you sign up within a week of passing the course.. For members, the cost is $100.00


Please note: Massachusetts law requires successful completion of both sessions before a Massachusetts State Police Firearms Safety Certificate can be awarded.


Print, complete and and bring to the MRA the BFSC Registration Form to register for your class. If you’d like more information about these class, please contact the MRA Office (781-933-2138) during office hours, send email to or stop by during office hours on Wednesday evenings or Sunday mornings. 

Please confirm that you are registered for a class before you attend.

Massachusetts Rifle Association
Rifle Range Road
290 Rear Salem Street
Woburn, MA 01801


"That the people have a right to mass and bear arms; that a well regulated militia composed of the Body of people, trained to arms, is the proper natural and safe defense of a free state..."


-George Mason