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"America's Oldest Active Gun Club"

We are accepting applications for new membership.

HomeNew Member

Membership Process and Application

Our office staff of volunteers is available to meet with you to answer your questions about the facilities and programs offered at the

MRA as well as to provide a tour of the clubhouse and ranges.

Membership Process:

  1. Complete application, pay initiation fee and first years dues in person during office hours.
  2. Schedule appointments for orientation and interview.
  3. Attend orientation.
  4. Participate in member interview.
  5. Receive access FOB to facilities once successfully completing the entire process.

Member Fees

The price structure for new members is a $125.00 Initiation fee plus $170.00 for the first years dues for a total of $295.00. All fees and dues are due and payable with submission of this application.

Orientation Process

The orientation process consists of a tour of the ranges and review/application of the range rules. Afterwards, a test on the range rules will be conducted. Upon passing the written exam, prospective new members will complete a live fire qualification with an individual instructor on the range with the new member using a .22LR caliber semi-automatic pistol and bolt action rife.

Note: The purpose of the live fire qualification is for instructor to observe and evaluate prospective member's safe firearm handling.

Closing Questions Process

The interview process consists of the new member having a conversation with a current member who follows an approved set of questions.

Access to Facilities

New members successfully completing the orientation and interview processes will receive their electronic key FOB for access to the club facilities and ranges. This FOB will provide 24 hour access to the facilities.

Annual Dues Thereafter

MRA’s Membership Year is from January 1 through December 31. Annual dues are emailed during the month for October for the following year and must be paid by December 31st. Annual dues are $170.00.

Dues Payment Reminder/Notice

As a member it is your responsibility to pay your dues on time. Payment is due before the end of December every year.

A email is sent out as a courtesy reminder of this obligation. Your payment must be timely regardless of whether you did or “did not get the bill this year" if you want to retain your membership.  Ensure your email address is up to date in your profile. 

  • Late payment is excused for those with military deployment orders out of state (with a potential waiver for long-term deployments). Any exceptions will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
  • Other late payments will be treated as a request to reapply for membership at the new member rate and subject to new member orientation.

Membership Form

The MRA Membership Application form can be found here: MRA New Membership Application


This form may be printed out and submitted at the MRA Office during Regular office Hours:

Sunday Mornings: 9:00am to11:30am

Wednesday Evenings: 6pm to 8pm

Phone Number: 781-933-2138 , only during office hours otherwise leave a message at